Kulit Balita Ini Menebal, Ternyata Penyebabnya karena Ini
Many people go out and choose a car to buy based solely on a handful of factors, such as the way it looks, safety ratings, engine power, handling, and perceived quality... and of course, price. However, a handful of cost-conscious and prudent buyers think even a bit further ahead, considering such factors as maintenance costs and the cost of car insurance.
One way to figure out the cost of insurance for each car model you are considering buying is to simply call up your insurance agent and rattle off your list of models. However, that is time-consuming, and it also means you have to keep going back to ask for more information if you get new car model ideas later.
A better way to shop for a car while keeping future insurance premiums in mind is to understand the factors that go into how insurance companies compute premiums based upon differences in car models.
If you are looking for car models with the lowest insurance rates, here are 5 guidelines for finding a car that will save you money on auto insurance:
1. Lower cost equals low insurance premium:
Start by understanding this simple rule: cars that cost less to buy tend to also cost less to insure. So, while the price of the model you are considering will affect how much you pay in monthly auto payments, it will also affect the amount you pay in insurance.
2. Find out how the car ranks in terms of auto thefts:
Quite simply, cars that get stolen more often are more costly to insure. This makes sense, of course: the insurance company anticipates that there is a higher likelihood that your car will get stolen if you buy a frequently-stolen model. This means bigger dollar signs for your premiums.
3. Look at safety ratings:
Cars with more (and more advanced) safety features are always going to garner better safety ratings. And, this will translate to a lower auto insurance premium for you to pay.
4. To save money, avoid sports cars:
Here is another simple rule of thumb for you to follow: do not buy a sports car! Sports cars are usually driven harder and faster by their owners, which means a better chance of getting into a costly accident. And, of course, insurance companies know this.
5. Keep your premiums down by buying a less fun-to-drive car:
Your insurance premiums will also be kept as low as possible if you find a car that is not known for being fun to drive. For example, think mini-vans.
The bottom line is this: you will always pay lower premiums for cars that are less fun to drive but rather that are driven because people have to. Soccer moms driving boring-old minivans with great safety ratings are going to always be cheapest to insure.
Meanwhile, automobiles that are a blast to drive - think a Porsche or a souped-up Camero - are also going to cost you a pretty penny to insure. Once you understand these 5 guidelines, narrow your choices down to 2-3 car models; then, go ahead and call your insurance agent for comparison quotes before you buy.
Find more tips and the cheapest car insurance rates at: Cheapest Car Insurance Rates [http://www.cheapest-car-insurance-advisor.com/].
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5582646

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