Penyakit Langka, 40 Tahun Sudah Kakek Ini Hidup dengan 'Tempurung Kura-kura' di Punggungnya

Be on the lookout for unscrupulous insurance agents who will give you wrong and misleading car insurance quotes when you are shopping insurance. Here is how they do it. When they quote your insurance, they will give you every discount under the sun even if you don't qualify for them. When you get your policy and it has been underwritten by the insurance company, the quote will be adjusted to your actual driving record and any legitimate discounts you qualify for. Many times the actual policy will double in price from what you were quoted. In some situations you might be stuck with the higher rate if your former company won't re-instate your old policy. The key to not getting duped by one of these crooked agents is fairly simple. When you are getting quotes, make sure you get something in writing. You should also ask if what you are receiving is the actual premium that you will pay, or just a quote. When you examine the quote be sure check what discounts have been provided in the quote. If you see a discount for another line of insurance or defensive driving, and you haven't taken defensive driving, you will know that the quote is probably not legitimate. Other discounts that are commonly quoted are, good driver, and multi-car. If you have a speeding ticket or an accident in the last 36 months, it's a pretty safe bet that you are probably better off staying with your existing insurance company, until those violations fall off your driving record. Why would an insurance agent pull the bait and switch on you? The answer is typically greed. The agent realizes what a hassle it is to switch insurance companies, and is hoping your former carrier won't take you back. The auto insurance industry is extremely competitive, and insurance companies and agents are going to extreme measures to get your business. Shopping for car insurance can save you money, but also cost you money if you are not cautious about who you do business with. Tony R. Jones has been involved the in casualty insurance business for the last 20 years. Operating an agency in the Dallas Fort Worth market for the largest auto and insurance company in the U.S. has given Tony a wealth of knowledge on almost every aspect of casualty insurance. Tony is a master of taking a complex subject like insurance and making it easy to understand. Visit him for more information concerning insurance discounts at [] Article Source:


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